The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential of transfersomal formulation for transdermal delivery of Diltiazem hydrochloride. The surfactant used to prepare the transfersome were Tween 80, Sodium cholate, Sodium deoxycholate and soybean lecithin (PC) as phospholipids. The lipid/surfactant ratio (w/w) was 85:15, 90:10 and 95:5. Transfersome size, surface morphology, entrapment efficiency, in vitro skin permeation and in vivo transdermal absorption studies were performed using hairless mice. The Diltiazem hydrochloride permeated through rat skin showed three- to four-fold higher sustained effect using gel incorporating transfersomes compared to those from plain drug gel. The stability study of transfersome formulation revealed that the the degradation of diltiazem hydrochloride is independent of lipid composition but dependent on the storage temperature and age. These results suggest that gel incorporating transfersomes may be of value for the transdermal delivery of Diltiazem hydrochloride in the treatment of hypertension.